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Search results

  1. DarkAura

    Inspector Mafia (Day 2)

    Re: Inspector Mafia (Day 1) Hmm...then That must mean Glace is the forensic inspector. Wait............what inspector was mai?
  2. DarkAura

    Inspector Mafia (Day 2)

    Re: Inspector Mafia (Day 1) Wait... I'm thinking flower doll is the forensic inspector See, if glace was the forensic inspector, why would he inspect himself if he knew his sanity? Hey flower doll, you said you inspected Mai. Can you show us the inspection PM? (it wont do harm to mai, cause...
  3. DarkAura

    Inspector Mafia (Day 2)

    Re: Inspector Mafia (Day 1) *Poker Face* *rips up the chart i made cause this is freaking COMPLICATED!* well, some one's not telling the truth.
  4. DarkAura

    Inspector Mafia (Day 2)

    Re: Inspector Mafia (Day 1) you're either insane or Paranoid insane INSPECTION ORGANIZER!!! (numbers go by player list, these are all the possibly sanities by everyone) |1|2|3|4|5|6| |N|_|_|_|N|I| |S|_|_|_|S|_| Ya know, someone's the forensic inspector (whats his sanity?) And doc...
  5. DarkAura

    Inspector Mafia (Day 2)

    Re: Inspector Mafia (Day 1) Or you could be insa- oh wait, she was innocent. so Me and Flower doll are either naive or sane
  6. DarkAura

    Inspector Mafia (Day 2)

    Re: Inspector Mafia (Day 1) Guys! I'm either Naive or Sane. Here's why. I inspected myself last night (i was assigned as an innocent) and my inspecting resulted in innocent. So I am either sane or naive.
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